SSBGD 2025
Abstract Submission
Presentation Based on Abstract
All submitted short-abstracts will undergo a blind review. An abstract (maximum of 200 words), clearly summarizing the arguments, should be submitted before deadline. The committee normally reaches its decision within two weeks after abstract submission. All abstracts must be submitted in English using an ‘Abstract Submission Form’. All abstracts will be published online after the conference and uploaded on INNPBO’s website.
Abstract Submission Deadline
Delegates who are interested in making a presentation during the conference should submit their abstracts for review before the deadline date - Monday, 21th APRIL, 2025.
Submission Methods
An abstract should be submitted by completing the online
Abstract Submission Form
Abstract Evaluation Criteria
All abstracts submitted for presentation are reviewed by one of the Conference Committee members. Abstracts are evaluated and accepted for presentation based on the following selection criteria:
- Clear description of the research topic in the title
- Clear and concise description of the research – focused objectives, clearly stated study design/methodology, clearly presented results (whether preliminary), and well-drawn conclusion and/or recommendations for future research
- Relevance, currency, appropriateness and significance of the abstract/issue/problem to the Conference theme
- Originality - theoretical orientations and/or practical application or contribution to the field
- Evidence of a high standard of research and/or practice (where applicable)
Ways of Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation:
For your presentation, you can either use PowerPoint or Prezi, whichever is more convenient for you. For PowerPoint presentation, we request you to kindly bring it on your own USB/memory stick. You do not need to email us your presentation copies. However, please note that each delegate will be given internet access during the conference.
Poster Presentation:
You will be given 20-25 minutes (maximum) for your poster presentation. Please note that your presentation must be in English language. You can bring your poster printed on the A1 size paper and display it in the conference, or you can also use PowerPoint, whichever is more convenient to you. For PowerPoint presentation, we request you to kindly bring it on your own USB/memory stick.
Presentation Duration:
You are required to give an oral presentation of 20 minutes (maximum) plus 5 minutes for discussion where other participants may ask you questions regarding your presentation. Please note that your presentation must be in English language.
Each Delegate will be given a wifi code to use internet connection during the conference
All acceptances are contingent on receipt of a full paper that essentially matches what was outlined in the Abstract (minor deviations are, of course, acceptable; however major change in topic or not providing data/empirical results where such were ‘promised’ are not acceptable).
For further information please email the Conference Organizers
Please follow the instruction below for formatting your full paper.
- Please use Microsoft Word
- Submissions must be in English
- Font: Times New Roman, Size 12
- Paragraph: Single spacing, justified
- Page format A4
- Page Margins (top: 2.5cm, bottom: 2.5cm, left: 2.5cm, right: 2.5cm)
- Maximum number of pages is 15 inclusive of figures, tables and references (If paper is longer than 15 pages, it will be returned to you for editing, the edited version must be submitted by the deadline)
- You must ensure that the author/s name and contact information does not appear anywhere in your document, including the file name.
- Your abstract (maximum 200 words) must be entered into the field provided on the submission.
- Commence your document with title, followed by introduction
- Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and should be kept to a minimum.
- Do not include page numbers.
- Appendices should immediately follow the body of the paper. The word Appendix should be a first level heading. If there is more than one appendix, number each consecutively.